Title: Exploring the Reasons Why Young People Join Gangs Objective: To analyze a


Title: Exploring the Reasons Why Young People Join Gangs
Objective: To analyze a

Title: Exploring the Reasons Why Young People Join Gangs
Objective: To analyze and understand the factors that contribute to young people joining gangs.
1.    Research and gather information on the various reasons why young people may choose to join gangs. Consider factors such as social influences, economic circumstances, family dynamics, peer pressure, and personal motivations.
2.    Write an essay discussing at least three primary reasons why young individuals may be drawn to join gangs.
3.    Support your arguments with credible sources and real-life examples where applicable.
4.    Provide a thoughtful analysis of the consequences and impact of gang involvement on individuals, families, and communities.
5.    Include suggestions or strategies on how to address the underlying issues that lead young people to join gangs, promoting positive alternatives and community support.
Essay Guidelines:
•    Length: 500 -800 words
•    Structure: Introduction, body paragraphs (each addressing a specific reason), conclusion
•    Use of research: Incorporate data, statistics, case studies, and expert opinions to strengthen your arguments.
•    Critical thinking: Analyze the complexities of gang involvement, considering both individual choices and societal influences.
•    Clarity and coherence: Ensure your essay is well-organized, coherent, and presents a clear thesis statement.
•    Citations: Use proper citation format (e.g., APA, MLA) for all sources referenced in your essay.
Evaluation Criteria:
•    Depth of analysis: Thorough exploration of reasons for gang involvement.
•    Evidence and support: Use of relevant and credible sources to support arguments.
•    Critical thinking: Insightful analysis and discussion of consequences and solutions.
•    Clarity and organization: Clear structure, coherent arguments, and well-developed ideas.
•    Writing mechanics: Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citation format.


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