Watch or read a current news report then analyze he report for accuracy and rele


Watch or read a current news report then analyze he report for accuracy and relevancy based on factual information presented. Does the article provide only factual information or are there personal judgements that are also presented? You will want to introduce the article and the writer/reporter, and you will want to provide a short summary, but the paper should mainly focus on analyzing the accuracy of the article. Make sure to pick three or four examples from the report to focus on in order to support your thesis. Paper needs to be 3 pages double spaced or about 750 words. It should also incorporate at least two outside sources, but no more than 3. Your essay needs to follow MLA format and should incorporate correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Please include a correctly formatted works cite page that lists the sources you use. Please note that the works cited page does not count towards your page or word requirement.


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