Attched in a file is my draft whuich is need of alot of work Bleu Chocolat: http


Attched in a file is my draft whuich is need of alot of work
Bleu Chocolat:
DPMNM (Don’t Pay Me No Mind):
Apollo Legion:
Boomarang Eats: Article on VI Consortium:
Upper Class:
Laced Legacy:
Miss Naturalista:
Alexia Adams Makeup Artistry: Kushkins Skincare: Alexia Adams Facebook:
Research Each Business:
Visit Websites and Read Articles: Explore the business’s official website, social media profiles, and any available articles or profiles.
Take Detailed Notes: Document key aspects such as the business’s history, mission, product offerings, unique features, or standout stories.
Gather Contextual Information: Understand the broader industry context and any relevant local factors influencing the business.
Identify Key Themes:Focus Areas: Identify themes such as the business’s origin story, customer experience, challenges and solutions, and future plans.
Highlight Unique Elements: Note specific events, milestones, or unique selling points that could provide interesting talking points.
Craft Warm-Up Questions:Ease Into the Conversation: Develop 2-3 straightforward and open-ended questions to make the interviewee feel comfortable.
Examples:”Can you tell us a bit about your background and what led you to start [business name]?”
“What inspired you to enter this industry?”
Highlight Unique Stories and Experiences:Encourage Memorable Stories: Create questions that prompt the interviewee to share unique and memorable experiences.
Examples:”Can you share a memorable story from the early days of your business?”
“What makes your business stand out in the industry?”
Dive into Customer Experience:Explore Customer Satisfaction: Formulate questions that delve into how the business prioritizes and enhances customer satisfaction.
Examples:”How do you ensure a unique and delightful experience for your customers?”
“Can you describe a time when you went above and beyond for a customer?”
Explore Challenges and Solutions:Discuss Obstacles and Overcoming Them: Develop questions to discuss obstacles the business has faced and the strategies used to overcome them.
Examples:”What has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced in running [business name], and how did you overcome it?”
“How do you handle customer complaints or negative feedback?”
Discuss Future Plans and Vision:Understand Future Aspirations: Ask about their future goals and aspirations to understand their vision for the business.
Examples:”What are your plans for the future of [business name]?”
“Are there any new projects or expansions you’re excited about?”
Include Personal Insights:Offer Personal Touch: End with questions that allow the interviewee to share personal motivations and advice.
Examples:”What motivates you to keep innovating and growing your business?”
“What advice would you give to someone looking to start their own business?”
Tailor Questions to Each Business:Customize Based on Research: Use your research notes to add specific details or references in the questions, ensuring relevance and depth.
Examples:Reference specific products, services, or events that are unique to the business.
Review and Revise:Ensure Clarity and Engagement: Go through the drafted questions to ensure they are clear, concise, and engaging.
Logical Flow: Arrange questions in a logical order that maintains a natural and engaging conversation.
Cover a Range of Topics: Make sure the questions cover a variety of topics to keep the interview dynamic.
Additional Tips:
Be Conversational: Frame questions in a conversational tone to promote a natural dialogue.
Stay Flexible: Be prepared to ask follow-up questions based on the interviewee’s responses to delve deeper into interesting topics.
Encourage Storytelling: Phrase questions in a way that encourages the interviewee to share detailed stories and examples.
Engage Thoughtfully: Show genuine interest and actively listen to the interviewee’s responses, allowing the conversation to flow naturally.


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