Instructions 1. Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word research paper (using 12-point, Tim


1. Write a 1,250- to 1,500-word research paper (using 12-point, Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins on all sides). Be sure to write the total word count at the end of the paper. Please note: The words in the cover sheet, footnotes, and bibliography are not counted in the total world count.
2. Use at least 6 scholarly sources. Your textbook does count. You may use scholarly websites, but also use at least 2 scholarly articles and/or books. Be careful to choose scholarly sources; do not use Wikipedia, blogs, or opinionated websites. If you need help finding scholarly books, you can use the Jerry Falwell Library website link under the Research Paper: American Church History Resource section within the assignment on Canvas to aid your search. If you are uncertain whether a source is scholarly, please ask your instructor.
3. Include a cover sheet, use current Turabian reference style with either footnotes or in-text (parenthetical) notes, and place your bibliography as the last page. 4. Choose either 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3: 4.1. The First Great Awakening: This will cover the beginning of Evangelicalism. The two most important leaders were Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. Your paper will include the following:
4.1.1. Biographies of both men.
4.1.2. Comparing and contrasting their contributions and styles.
4.1.3. A short discussion of other leaders who played a lesser role.
4.1.4. A description of Evangelicalism and an explanation of how Evangelicalism began during the First Great Awakening. (Think about it this way: What was unique about the First Great Awakening, and how did that contribute to the idea of Evangelicalism?)


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