is an ANALYSIS/SUMMARY/RESPONSE ESSAY discussing one or more of the three short


is an ANALYSIS/SUMMARY/RESPONSE ESSAY discussing one or more of the three short stories
posted on your Content page under TEXTS FOR ESSAY 3. Focus on a literary aspect (see the “Short Story” Powerpoint presentation) of one or more of the stories and write an essay that expresses your ideas about what the author is trying to say from the work (or works). Then, to make your point really strong, you can pull quotes from the stories. themselves to “boost” your content. Remember that you will not give a PLOT SUMMARY; I have read the stories. Again, you will analyze some literary aspect of the story using those terms discussed in the Powerpoint. This essay has the minimum requirements that all essays have had this semester. It is to be a MINIMUM five-paragraph essay with at least 500 words. You must adequately punctuate quoted material from the texts and do a Works Cited page if you discuss more than one work; however, remember 95% of the essay will be in your own words and your own ideas about the theme of the texts. Again, do not do a PLOT summary (retelling of the story).


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