In this assignment, you will start doing the research to identify relevant and r


In this assignment, you will start doing the research to identify relevant and r

In this assignment, you will start doing the research to identify relevant and recent facts and figures related to the type of victimization you chose for your fact sheet.  Area 2 (Facts & Fictures) Fact Sheet requirements are:
Include incidence and/or prevalence estimates of the type of victimization, as well as statistics about important patterns and correlates of the type of victimization
Include at least five (5) relevant and recent facts and figures from at least three (3) original sources
No more than one fact or figure can be from an assigned reading in the course
Facts and figures do not have to be specific to your assigned location
Incidence and prevalence estimates should be the most recent available – preferably in the last two years, but no less than 10 years old
For this assignment, you will submit five relevant and recent facts and figures from at least three original sources, with the original sources being cited in APA Style, on this template. It is perfectly acceptable for the five facts and figures to come from four or five original sources instead of three (in other words, if you can have five facts and figures, each from a different source). The point is to get the most relevant and recent facts and figures, and it is very likely there is no source that gives you more than one relevant fact or figure.
Template is attached below 
Note from the Professor: “I would suggest trying to focus on either cybercrime in general, or a specific type of cyber crime- such as stalking and identify theft. I would also like to see more information on rates, and demographics, and resources for victims to cyber crime.”


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