After finishing the popular fable, “That’s Not How We Do It Here!” students will


After finishing the popular fable, “That’s Not How We Do It Here!” students will

After finishing the popular fable, “That’s Not How We Do It Here!” students will write a paper discussing a real-life personal or professional experience they encountered that demonstrates the key ideas presented in the book’s fable. Providing readers with an unambiguous description of the context in which you are applying the book’s insights is essential. The paper should also include a clear link to characters and specific events in the fable so that readers know what facets of the book’s fable are being applied. Finally, the paper should conclude with a discussion of the leader and/or the change lesson to be learned from this experience you were involved in.
The length of this assignment should be about five (5) double-spaced, 12-point font pages (plus or minus 1/3 page, not including the title and reference pages) in APA format (look for the template in the “Files” folder) with at least four cited sources. The business world likes ideas presented precisely and concisely. I do, too; quality over quantity is an invaluable communication skill among professionals working in today’s dynamic and complex environment. Submit as a Word Doc through the Turn-It-In portal on Canvas to examine for originality in content. Submit as a Word Doc through the Turn-It-In portal on Canvas to examine for originality in content.  It should be labeled as such: A1_FirstName.LastName (ex. A1_Robert.Jaeger)
Since this is a writing-intensive course, not only is content important but so too is style. This means that spelling, punctuation, grammar, and the paper’s structure will also be factored into your performance alongside the caliber of the application to real life and the ability to tell your story in a compelling yet concise manner. Grading will be based on how well each of the components described above is addressed.  Please reference the rubric for this assignment that is found at the back of your syllabus.


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