As this is now your final, please source at least three of the readings, podcast


As this is now your final, please source at least three of the readings, podcast

As this is now your final, please source at least three of the readings, podcasts, films, or lectures. I think the best format for this is to turn in a separate bibliography doc. Please include any other sources for outside material utilized. Chicago or MLA formatting works for me. 
You must write a traditional essay: 3-5 pages. 
The central question: How have nonwhite people been formed as racial subjects throughout the 20th and 21th Century, and how have
they challenged and resisted these ideological discourses and legal barriers of incarceration?
How were Brown and Black people criminalized in the post-Fordist era of late capitalism and globalization? How and why did this happen?
What were the laws and policies that emerged during this time? How did they target Brown and Black people?
What was the role of discourse and ideology in this historical moment?
My written thesis: 
In the post-Fordist era of late capitalism and globalization, the criminalization of Brown and Black people was driven by economic restructuring, targeted laws and policies, and racialized discourses, which collectively reinforced social and economic inequalities.


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