This paper is for a RN program, for an ethics class. It does not have to be orna


This paper is for a RN program, for an ethics class. It does not have to be orna

This paper is for a RN program, for an ethics class. It does not have to be ornate or elaborate, I just need 4ish pages with the following information. I have finals to stidy for and don’t feel like spending time writing papers. 
Select a National Patient Safety Goal:  Explain what it is and its importance.  Provide background on why this is a national goal.
Research a case of patient harm or a sentinel event that occurred as a result of this goal not being achieved. Explain the event(s) and how it relates to your NPSG.
What education should be provided to clients/families? Be sure to include appropriate education based on client circumstance or learning style. 
What can nurses do to assist in achieving this goal? What is the nurse’s responsibility?
How will teamwork and collaboration assist in this goal? 
How do leaders and healthcare organizations impact this goal? 
What impact can a just culture have on any errors related to this goal? 


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