Answer the TWO questions in essay format 4 pages EACH double spaced. It must be


Answer the TWO questions in essay format 4 pages EACH double spaced. It must be

Answer the TWO questions in essay format 4 pages EACH double spaced. It must be in Docx format so I can check on how long you have taken to write. You are not required to use footnotes or give a bibliography BUT you MUST refer to the readings labelled by sections and attached below and giving examples is REQUIRED. Even though citations aren’t required please put the page number and line # in parentheses next to every example you use so I can ensure it was actually in the reading! NO use of AI or plagiarism. Scans will be used! 
Question 1: Victor Turner says that liminality is “anti-structure” which eventually always resolves back to structure.  Discuss how the relationship between structure and anti-structure works in some examples from our readings. Do the rituals we have studied tend to enforce the existing power structure? 
1. Turner Liminality and Communitas (attached below) 
Question2 : Discuss the relationships between religious rituals, rituals of solidarity, and political rituals.
Readings (make sure you don’t mix up the readings; they’re attached below): 
Religious Ritual Readings:
1. Durkheim Definition of Religion 
2. Scribner Ritual and Reformation 
Solidarity Ritual Readings: 
1. Cottingham Sports Solidarity
2. McShane Material Culture Political Drinking
– Political Ritual Readings: 
1. Kertzer Ritual Politics Power 
2. Allert Hitler Salute


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