Part 1: A Pay Model Employees differ in terms of what motivates them most. Aspec


Part 1: A Pay Model
Employees differ in terms of what motivates them most. Aspec

Part 1: A Pay Model
Employees differ in terms of what motivates them most. Aspects of pay, or total compensation, which motivate younger workers might differ from what motivates older workers, for example. Companies can motivate employees best when they are aware of what best motivates their particular employees.
In addition to this week’s reading, visit the Library or use your favorite search engine and search for the following: determining a motivating salary. Learn about pay and salary issues that can contribute to employee motivation. Please relate anything useful from the article as it relates to this discussion.
Describe an organization that you were or are currently employed within terms of total compensation and relational returns. Explain how this combination of total compensation and relational returns did, or did not, help the organization succeed.
Part 2: Strategic Perspectives
The decisions companies have to make about four policy issues influence the alignment of their pay strategy with their business strategy.
Provide an example of each of the four policy issues in the pay model presented in the text.
Compare the strategic business-based “best fit” and the alternative “best practices” perspectives in compensation. Are these perspectives necessarily divergent?


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