All discussions will be open the first two weeks of the module. You are require


All discussions will be open the first two weeks of the module. You are require

All discussions will be open the first two weeks of the module. You are required to have your original post in by the 10th day of the module (a Wednesday). All discussions will close on Friday (day 12). Please refer to the Discussion Rubric for additional requirements. You can use Screencast-o-matic or Voki to present your original post and/or responses should you choose. Remember Voki isn’t ADA compliant on its own and would need a script or to be recorded with screencast-o-matic. Written responses should be a minimum of 300 words. A spoken response would be 2.5 to 3.5 minutes. In this discussion, please discuss the following citing class readings and video (no outside sources) when applicable:
How does our language impact our students and how does it help or hurt the relationships we create with them? (related to Johnston and Pierson)
Do children have to like us to learn from us? What has been your belief in the past and has it changed from what you’ve learned in this class so far?
What does literacy look like in classrooms that support literacy as a social practice (Larson & Marsh, 2015; M2 Content Guide)?
What stood out to you from the readings and video? Are these things present in your classroom or things you would like to exist in your classroom?


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