History of Chicanos/as Assignment 3 Prompt Spring 2024 Assignment 3 will consist


History of Chicanos/as
Assignment 3 Prompt
Spring 2024
Assignment 3 will consist

History of Chicanos/as
Assignment 3 Prompt
Spring 2024
Assignment 3 will consist of addressing one prompt related to one of the two
remaining Modules. Hence, you will select either Module 4 or Module 5.
Utilizing lectures, the assigned reading write a 5 page essay in response to ONE of
the following questions. Please be sure to adhere to the accompanying rubric which
addresses requirements and point distribution. Assignment is Due Monday, May
13, 2024.
1. Using Zaragosa Vargas Labor Rights Are Civil Rights, the film Salt of the Earth,
and lectures write an essay in which you identify and address:
a. Identify different labor unions and discuss the ways these labor unions
impacted and affected Mexican origin workers in the United States and ways
Mexican origin workers contended with thee issues in the Twentieth
b. The Role that Gender and other factors played in creating a world that
Mexican Origin workers affected the course of their own historical
relevance and agency in relation to their exclusion/inclusion on the part of
labor unions.
c. What were some of the larger historical developments that that provide
contexts for Mexican and Mexican American Workers in the Twentieth-
2. Using Frank Barajas, Mexican Americans with Moxie, and course lectures,
the documentary Chicano Park, write an essay in which you identify and
a. Define and assess the different characteristics that defined the Mexican
American and Chicano/a Generations. Discuss the ways these generations
approach social issues that related to their experiences.
b. Address ways in which “Transgenerational” experiences helped to shape
strategies and responses to social events and injustices.
c. Discuss ways in which “transgenerational perspectives” are “translated
with transclocal and transnational features.”
Grading Rubric:
I. Format: Title Page; PP Minimum; Numbered pp; Double Spaced/12 pt font (5
II. Thesis Statement (15pts)
III. Body:
Claims (25 pts)
Evidence (25pts)
Analysis (25pts)
VI. Bibliography (5pts)


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