APA Format: Paper has a title Page Apa Format: Reference Page, If Applicable If


APA Format: Paper has a title Page
Apa Format: Reference Page, If Applicable

APA Format: Paper has a title Page
Apa Format: Reference Page, If Applicable
If no outside sources were used, students will receive the full 1 point.
APA Format: 12-point font throughout
APA Format: Double spaced with no space after the paragraph
APA Format: Appropriate in-text citations
APA Format: Appropriate in-text citations and references, if applicable
If no outside sources were used, students will receive the full 1 point.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGeneral Instructions: 2-3 page paper
Content: Daily Stressors
Daily stressors are presented
Content: Daily Coping Skills
How you currently cope with life stressors
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWritten Communication
Overall quality of your paper
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Coping Strategies
Effective coping strategies are presented
Specifically from a research article or textbook


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