A big-picture theme we’ve discussed in class is the rise of American liberalism


A big-picture theme we’ve discussed in class is the rise of American liberalism

A big-picture theme we’ve discussed in class is the rise of American liberalism in the 1930s, its pinnacle in the 1960s, its decline in the 1970s, and the triumphant of American conservatism from the 1980s onward. Your assignment is to write a 1000-1,500 word essay that chronicles this rise and fall of liberalism and the triumph of conservatism.
Be sure to include all the following topics in your essay: Keynesian Economics, Great Depression, New Deal, World War II, Cold War, Eisenhower Administration events, Civil Rights Movement, Great Society, Vietnam War, Southern Strategy, Nixon Administration events, Supply Side Economics, Reagan Administration events, Clinton Administration events.
Be sure to show cause and effect and demonstrate an understanding of how/why the events contributed to the big picture theme.
Due Date
Exams must be submitted to Blackboard no later than 11:59 pm on Tuesday 5/7. Late exams will not be accepted. It is your responsibility to insure that exams are uploaded onto Blackboard by the due date. Plan accordingly for unexpected things like illness, accidents, computer crashes, internet outages, Blackboard problems, plagues, locusts, etc.
1) While the occasional internet source is permissible, the lecture should be your primary source material. Exams that rely heavily on internet sources will receive a failing grade.
2) Any information in your exam that did not come from the lecture MUST have a citation. Exams that do not cite non-lecture source material will be considered plagiarized and receive a zero.
3) Exams must be an organized and developed essay. Do not copy and paste notes. Instead, explain how the events contributed to the rise and fall of liberalism and the triumph of conservatism.
4) Exams must be organized in a clear, logical manner.
5) Exams must be written to the best of your ability. Refer to the Guidelines for Good Writing found in the paper assignments for tips on how to improve your writing.
6) Exams are to be written individually.
7) Exams must be double-spaced in a standard 12-point font.
8) Exams must be original work—meaning no cutting and pasting work from other classes or from former students. Note that if you submit something through SafeAssign, I will know about it.
Additional Instructions
Not adhering to any of these guidelines on this assignment sheet will adversely affect your grade. So please, edit and proofread your paper thoroughly before submitting. Since this is a final exam, I will not read rough drafts or discuss your answer with you. I will, however, cryptically answer any questions you may have via email.


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