Introduction to Drama Final assignment (stage a scene) | spring 2024 From one of


Introduction to Drama
Final assignment (stage a scene) | spring 2024
From one of

Introduction to Drama
Final assignment (stage a scene) | spring 2024
From one of the plays we’ve read for class [*], choose an act or a scene & write a summary of it. In addition to explaining what happens in the act, your summary should explain how the act works in the play. 200 – 300 words.
[* if you really enjoy the reading we’re doing & have the energy, you may choose an act or scene from one of the two plays in our texts we didn’t read for class: Henrik Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler or Yukio Mishima’s The Lady Aoi.]
Break down the act’s action—i.e., describe, as simply as possible, what happens.
You may write this as a list.
How would you stage the act?
Be as literal or abstract as you please. Your goal, aside from thrilling your audience, is to convey the play’s meaning using your actors, set design, lighting, sound, & costume. 2 pages. 2 full pages, please.
If you want to include concept sketches, you may—but as an appendix, not in the body of your 2-page staging description.
For inspiration, don’t hesitate to watch films of staged plays.
Organize your one-act assignment as follows:
First sheet = the summary you wrote,
with your name, etc. in the upper left-hand corner; page # & your last name in the upper right-hand corner (as per MLA),
the title of the play & the act number centered above the summary.
Second sheet = the act breakdown with the page # & your last name in the upper right-hand corner (as per MLA).
Third & fourth sheets = Your staging, MLA formatted.
Fifth sheet = only If including concept sketches. MLA format for images. 
Assignment Criteria
Use standard MLA format.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point.
Yes, double spaced.
Due May 07, via email, by noon. 


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