Discus Culture Conflict in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
Make very close
Discus Culture Conflict in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
Make very close reference to the plays/novel and use, at least, three other sources/articles in your paper. Document your sources at the end of the paper in a “Works Cited” page. Use the MLA Documentation Style. The research paper will be 7 – 9 pages long. Due date is May 6, 2024.
Research Paper Guidelines (unless other written directions are given):
Type work in Times New Roman 12 point font, double-spaced, save as a Word file and follow all MLA formatting and documentation.
The paper will be 7-9 pages long
In the upper left hand corner of the 1st page on separate singled-spaced lines, please provide the following information in the order listed: your name, course subject and title, and date
All writing assignments must have a creative title enclosed in quotation marks.