Answer the essential question:  Fixing a Broken Economy: Did Reagan get it Right


Answer the essential question:  Fixing a Broken Economy: Did Reagan get it Right

Answer the essential question:  Fixing a Broken Economy: Did Reagan get it Right?
G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “There are no uninteresting things, only uninterested people”.  The economy impacts every part of our lives, but it is both concerning and scary how little most citizens know about it. When Ronald Reagan won the presidency in 1980, he took over a wounded, weary nation.  The previous decade had experienced the Watergate Scandal, a humbling conclusion in Vietnam, a gasoline shortage, and the Iran hostage crisis.  America’s confidence was bit rattled.  On top of this, President Reagan inherited a broken economy.  The United States was stuck in stagflation, one of the nastiest of all economic conditions.  Reagan knew that fixing this economy would be the key to restoring national confidence.


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