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Paper Guidelines
PG 1: 
Introduction (1/2 page + fix thesis)
Pt 1: 
Case study (2 pages)- early life, messed up childhood (citing 2-3 sources)
PG 2:
Parapgraph 3: case study
P4: case study
PG 3
P5: Case study
P6: Summarize theory #1, give examples about that theory, at least 2 references: textbook and academic source (1/2 page)
PG 4
Analysis (at least 2 paragraphs)- no citations ( put in a quote from the killer, police, victims) bringing in something new from the case, can use the “I” 
Theory #2 Summary, 1/2 page, at least 2 sources
Theory #2 analysis
Theory #2 analysis continuation 1/2 page
Conclusion: What did i prove?, what did i think of the case?, ( can put your opinion about the case, if you think the criminal is guilty or not)


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