You will be responsible for researching and creating a video presentation about


You will be responsible for researching and creating a video presentation about innovations that are currently being explored, beta tested, and/or implemented in a retail environment, preferably fashion retailing. You will conduct extensive research on the innovation and use reputable sources. Once you have selected a retail innovation, please go to BB and write a detailed description of your retail innovation topic in the discussion board forum labeled “Video Presentation Retail Innovation Topic”. Once a topic is selected, no one else can use the innovation. In other words, topics are a first-come-first-serve basis. The instructor will make the final decision as to the relevancy of the topic, so make sure to get confirmation prior to beginning the assignment. This project will be worth 80 points. Two components will be graded for this project: Content (55 pts) and Presentation (25 pts).  The topic I chose for you to do for this assignment is 3D printing in fashion retail to revolutionize how clothing and accessories are designed and produced. 3D printing technology has emerged as a game-changer in the fashion industry, offering unprecedented capabilities in customization, sustainability, and design innovation. Unlike traditional manufacturing methods, which are subtractive processes involving cutting and shaping materials, 3D printing is additive, building items layer by layer based on digital models. In conclusion, 3D printing represents a transformative innovation in fashion retail, offering unparalleled opportunities for customization, sustainability, and design creativity. As the technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, it has the potential to reshape the future of fashion, making it more personalized, sustainable, and responsive to consumer preferences.


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