To prepare for this discussion, review the following resource: SWOT Analysis Exa


To prepare for this discussion, review the following resource: SWOT Analysis Exa

To prepare for this discussion, review the following resource: SWOT Analysis Examples.
Examples can be found here–
This unique resource provides you with a number of SWOT analysis examples to help support you in your learning.
You have learned that a SWOT analysis allows stakeholders to better
evaluate their position in the marketplace as it pertains to
organizational strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. As you
review the resource, examine the various analyses provided to identify
themes that exist from company to company.
In your initial post, identify:
Themes you observe between the provided examples
Weaknesses that exist across multiple organizations
Then develop a viable plan to mitigate or remedy at least two common weaknesses.
Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Comprehension Develops an initial post with an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail (100%) Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea using adequate organization and detail (85%) Develops an initial post with a point of view or idea but with some gaps in organization and detail (55%) Does not develop an initial post with an organized point of view or idea (0%) 40
Timeliness N/A Submits initial post on time (100%) Submits initial post one day late (55%) Submits initial post two or more days late (0%) 10
Engagement Provides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detail (100%) Provides relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (85%) Provides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detail (55%) Provides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail (0%) 30
Writing (Mechanics) Writes posts that are easily understood,
clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with
no errors in citations (100%) Writes posts that are easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations (85%) Writes posts that are understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in citations (55%) Writes posts that others are not able to understand and does not use proper citation methods where applicable (0%) 20
Total: 100%


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