General information about the artist—where he/she is from, dates of birth and de


General information about the artist—where he/she is from, dates
of birth and de

General information about the artist—where he/she is from, dates
of birth and death, his employment, training, and residence.  (about one page).
2.    Typical art of the artist—what type of
subject and style are the artist most known for and what are         the most famous works of the artist—2-3
works. (1 page)
on the work of art—who commissioned, where was it produced, how long it
took, materials used, any assistants employed, etc. (1/2 )
the content of the work—what is the narrative and its message, any
symbols, and any other information that reveal the intentions and purposes
of the work. (1 page)
the style of the work—any distinguishable mark of visual element,
compositional lay-out, any other unique features that enhance the viewing
of the work. (1 page)
is this a typical work of the artist? 
How can you tell?  Compare to
one of his/her famous works, pointing to details to authenticate the hand
of the artist. (1 page)
Lastly, what makes the work a typical example of Proto or
Early or High or Venetian or Northern Renaissance?  What typical features evidence this? (1 page)
is this a typical work of the artist? 
How can you tell?  Compare to
one of his/her famous works, pointing to details to authenticate the hand
of the artist. (1/2 page)
Lastly, what makes the work a typical example of Proto or
Early or High or Venetian or Northern Renaissance?  What typical features evidence this? (1/2 page)
Can you please use online sources like 
“A Closer Look: Perugino’s Pietà.” Italian Renaissance Art,
“Pietro Perugino.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.,
“Pietro Perugino.” World History Encyclopedia, World History Encyclopedia, 2024, 
and other sources you may find online


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