week 2 is in the upload The team you created in Week 2 has been humming along


week 2 is in the upload The team you created in Week 2 has been humming along

week 2 is in the upload The team you created in Week 2 has been humming along for a little over a week now. The conflicts that appeared last week seem to have subsided. However, your supervisor has just informed you that the deadline for completing your team’s goal has been moved up by 2 weeks. You now have less time to complete the same amount of work.
After informing you of the change in person, your supervisor has sent the following e-mail to you, asking for a short summary of your plan for achieving the goal within your shortened timeline. Below is a copy of the email you received from your supervisor, Stephanie:
Hi team leader:
As you are aware, we need to move this deadline up by 2 weeks. I have faith that you can meet this goal, but it might require some changes to the project or the team. Please remind me of the original plan, including how many people are on your team and what their specific tasks are. Then please explain how these can be rearranged to meet the new timeline.
Considering the size of your team and the responsibilities of your team members, do you have enough people to complete this project 2 weeks earlier? If not, how do you recommend increasing the team size?
Are there aspects of the project that can be condensed or skipped? Why or why not? Whether or not you decide to condense or skip certain aspects, what are the implications of doing so?
Are there any costs, monetary or non-monetary, that should be considered with the changes you are proposing?
How do you intend to communicate the new requirements to the rest of the team in order to gain their buy-in?
Finally, I understand you have been enrolled in a course on teamwork and collaboration at the University of Phoenix. How can you use what you have learned about solving problems in teams to help you and your team meet the new deadline?
I look forward to reviewing how you intend to meet this new deadline and lead your team to success.


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