“The Matrix” Final Paper project guidelines COMM 102- Introduction to Mass Media


“The Matrix” Final Paper project guidelines COMM 102- Introduction to Mass Media

“The Matrix” Final Paper project guidelines COMM 102- Introduction to Mass Media Fall
Length:  6 to 8 pages  
Deadlines:  March 29 – subject decision and initial works cited/references. You should submit a brief explanation of your choice of topic and present an initial bibliography of at least 6 sources, four of which should originate from print publication. You can use the course textbooks as a resource.
May 3- Final submission. I will NOT accept any late papers. I will also enable Turnitin so DO NOT plagiarize or will receive a 0 for the assignment. 
You will complete a study of a single media product- i.e. a TV show, an album, a film, a book, but not an entire medium. It is your choice (I choose the Metrix).  This is your chance to demonstrate what you have learned during the semester and apply this knowledge to your favorite movie, a show you dislike, or a book you find interesting. You must find out how the media product originated, is made, marketed and received. This is your opportunity to display your media literacy skills through the examination of a single product.  You should demonstrate your cumulative knowledge of the course and you should give consideration to the ways in which your text/product illuminates the complex field of mass media. The first half of your paper should demonstrate consideration of:
· Ownership structures and synergy
· Promotion and advertising of your text
· Target demographics and product placement
The second half should focus on:
· Impact as a cultural text; cultural storyteller
· The creation of meaning/Media effects
· The question of power-Who has it?  
This paper is worth 140 points.  
Here is the breakdown of possible points for each category:
15 points- Ownership, structure, synergy
10 points- advertising, promotion
15 points- target audience, product placement
20 points- cultural values
20 points- cultural storytelling
20 points- meaning making theory, effects
10 points- power
10 points- grammar
20 points- in-text citations


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