Format my paper in MLA Style and find attached comments from my professor. Seco


Format my paper in MLA Style and find attached comments from my professor.

Format my paper in MLA Style and find attached comments from my professor. Second assignment is related to my essay:
an annotated bibliography, which means it is a sort of repository for research. All semester, you have all research your topics and looked into the conversations around them. Now, it is time to put those sources in one easily accessible place. An annotated bibliography is basically a works cited page with a summary for each citation. With each citation, you need to give a brief (3-5 sentence) summary of the source, and a brief (3-5 sentence) explanation of how you plan to use the source.
Please see the example below:
Schnepp, Jessica. “The Catholic Grotesque: Antoni Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia and Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood.” English Studies, vol. 100, no. 5, Aug. 2019, pp. 564–577. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/0013838X.2019.1610240 SUMMARY:
This article covers the Flannery O’Connor novel Wise Blood, and it focuses on the use of the grotesque in Catholicism. The author provides a good definition of the Catholic grotesque, as she brings in images of the demonic, the angelic, and of the Passion of Christ. She then shows how O’Connor implements such images in her novel. The author specifically focuses on the main character Hazel Motes. She notes how he is writing against Christ by attempting to create a sacramentally vapid church HOW I WILL USE THE SOURCE:
I feel that I can use this article to support my argument that Hazel Motes is a demonically oppressed character. I believe that O’Connor’s knowledge of Catholicism aided her ability to create such a character, and this particular article goes into detail regarding her knowledge. Specifically, the way that the author showcases the grotesque factors regarding the Catholic practice of exorcism is helpful. I will use this article to better understand how a Catholic writer creates a truly grotesque or monstrous character. Your annotated bibliography should include 2 citations both completed in this manner. The purpose of this exercise is to help you finalize your research for the final paper of the semester. __________________________________
My sources are 1- From Daleks to Zombies: What Monsters Mean to Us
2- IJRTI (


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