1. Explain the CPH in the context of first language acquisition. In doing so rel


1. Explain the CPH in the context of first language acquisition. In doing so rel

1. Explain the CPH in the context of first language acquisition. In doing so relate to at least two of the four academic sources below. In your answer present two studies (they may be from the same article) that examined the validity of the Hypothesis, whilst emphasizing the factors preventing typical language development (50%)
2. Present the critical debate on the Hypothesis using the sources and present at least one study relating to the debate (40%).
Balari, S., & Lorenzo, G. (2015). Should it stay or should it go? A critical reflection on the critical
period for language. Biolinguistics, 9, 8-42.
Hoshi, K., & Miyazato, K. (2016). Architecture of human language from the perspective of a case
of childhood aphasia – Landau-Kleffner Syndrome. Biolinguistics, 10, 136-196. (On CP
Lenneberg, E.H. (1969). On explaining language. Science, 164(3880), 635-643.
3. The paper must address at least two academic articles. You may use additional academic articles.
4. Pay attention to correct citing within the text and writing of references at the end of the paper in APA style (10%).
5. The assignment should be approx. 1.5 pages (excluding bibliography and cover page), font 12, 1.5 spaces, and include a cover page with your name, identity number, course name, school, etc


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