You will choose an EBI and then explore how this intervention treats those who a


You will choose an EBI and then explore how this intervention treats those who a

You will choose an EBI and then explore how this intervention treats those who are experiencing the identified issue or are within the identified population (with 8 references minimum). 
Please organize the paper with these headings
Section 1: Chosen Issue and Related Research (2 pages)  
Stress management affecting academic ability 
You will research the literature and data to clarify how this issue is experienced within the general population. Provide a detailed description of the following elements:  
The issue/population you have identified- this should include statistics about the issue/ population, incidence and/or prevalence of the issues or needs, outcomes for the issue/ population if not intervened with (negative outcomes of the issue if untreated)  
Significant socio-cultural dimensions of the problem: e.g., socioeconomic status, race, gender, culture, spiritual/religious beliefs etc.
Section 2: Evidence Based Intervention to Treat the Issue (2 pages)  
Choose one Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) and research its use in treatment with those who experience the specific issue/theme your group has selected.  
Below are some examples of EBIs for specific populations to help you understand what you are trying to accomplish in this section:  
Cognitive Processing Therapy for adult survivors of sexual trauma 
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy for suicidal college students 
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for military veterans who have experienced combat trauma. 
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Management 
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for Stress Management 
Describe the evidence-based intervention you have selected and how to apply this intervention to the issue/population selected, include these questions in your assessment:  
What is the purpose of the intervention? 
Elements of the proposed intervention (theoretical foundation, number of sessions, topic and activities of sessions, if any) 
What evidence is there that this type of therapy works? Is there any controversy about its effectiveness?  
Is there any research on use of this intervention with the issue/population selected? If there is, what is it? If there is no research related to using this intervention with the chosen issue/population, discuss why it would be a good choice for the issue/population chosen? 
Does the research show that this intervention is effective with more than one population? Briefly discuss. 
Are there any benefits or drawbacks to using this treatment? 
What are the unique needs those with this issue for which the EBP would work well? Are there any drawbacks? Would there be any modifications needed? 
Where might this intervention best be delivered (i.e. schools, community-based organizations, churches, etc.)?  
Section 3: Reflection (1 page) 
Provide a brief reflection about this paper t and how it can support in developing your clinical self. The reflection might include:  
Feelings about the use of evidence-based interventions with clients
How you will use what you learned to improve your professional services (and professional identity) with clients


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