When it comes to new companies that begin to sell shares on the stock market, hy


When it comes to new companies that begin to sell shares on the stock market, hy

When it comes to new companies that begin to sell shares on the stock market, hype can be just as much of a factor as the actual potential of the company. The first time a company issues stock to be purchased by the public, it is called an initial public offering (IPO). Snapchat was heavily hyped when it went through its first IPO, but they were not as successful as they hoped. Dive into current financial news to identify a company that has recently gone public through an Initial Public Offering (IPO).
Using Google, search for IPOs in the news. Click the “news” icon. After you get results, click “tools,” “recent,” and then “past year.”
Find an IPO-related news article (published within the last 12 months) from a reputable news source. Share a brief overview of the company, the IPO details, and its market reception. Include the article link.


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