using the topic attached write a resurch paper fallowing these guide lines Write


using the topic attached write a resurch paper fallowing these guide lines

using the topic attached write a resurch paper fallowing these guide lines
Write a 1500-word MLA Format or APA Format essay which takes a stand, solves a problem, or
calls people to action on an issue in your major or career path.
Submission Guidelines
• Your essay must have a title which is not the name of the assignment.
• Must be written in either MLA or APA format and the style and method of
documentation must be consistent.
▪ 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced
▪ 1-inch margins on all sides.
▪ Header- top left side of the page one inch from the edge of the paper (the
first place you can type on the page)
• Your Name
• Instructor’s Name
• Course (English Composition I or English 1510)
• Date in Military Style
o DD Month YYYY
o Ex. 27 July 2021
▪ Type your last name and a self-changing page number in the header
section of the page (1/2 inch below the edge of the paper)
▪ 12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced
▪ 1-inch margins on all sides.
▪ Cover Page- This is the first page of your essay and must include the
following information typed and center-aligned on the page.
• Title of your essay
• Your Name
• Name of the College
• Course (English 1510- English Composition I)
• Instructor’s Name
• Assignment Due Date
▪ Type a shortened version of the title (50 characters or less including
spaces) left-justified and a self-changing page number right-justified ½
inch below the edge of the paper.
▪ You will start the text of your essay at the top of the second page.
• In Word and Google Docs, you can create a new page by clicking
CTRL + Enter on a Windows PC or Command + Enter on a Mac
o You must have a Works Cited page for MLA or References page for APA which
is a separate page after the conclusion of your essay. Also, you must use in-text
citations correctly where needed


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