Using the link provided and the description toward the end of the Power Point in


Using the link provided and the description toward the end of the Power Point in

Using the link provided and the description toward the end of the Power Point in the first week, identify and discuss the different steps of the writing process (the process in general). After, go on to what process you use when creating an essay or document, if you use one at all. Are there flaws in the way you go about creating documents? If so, what are they? If you are satisfied with your process, why do you believe it works? In the past, did you take your reading audience into account during this process? To what extent? Also, when preparing to use the writing process, in addition to audience, you all need to consider, among other things, the rhetorical situation; what is a rhetorical situation?
Why is it important to consider when you prepare to write? (30 pts.)
Part Two
Provide a brief description of the parts of the essay and explain how a downshifting paragraph works. (20 pts.)
Part Three
In addition to reading about the writing process and audience, you all have looked at some information about the expectations that come with academic writing. Now, I want you all to provide some background information: Do you consider yourself a strong writer? Why or why not? Up to this point, did you write a lot in school? On your own? Some of this information will be used in the introduction of essay one, so please put some effort into your response. Next, after viewing the information in the Thaiss ano Zawacki article and the Power Point on academic writing, what concerns or questions do you have about it? Finally, can you relate to any of the students in the Wyche article. (20 pts.)


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