Topic : Confirmation Bias  Essay must include the following:  #1 A summary of th


Topic : Confirmation Bias 
Essay must include the following: 
#1 A summary of th

Topic : Confirmation Bias 
Essay must include the following: 
#1 A summary of the topic including a review of the relevant literature.
#2 Why this topic is of interest to you
#3 How you can apply this new knowledge to your daily life. 
Papers must be in APA format. PAPERS NOT IN APA WILL NOT BE GRADED.
You need a cover page,  body of the text, and reference page
You SHOULD NOT INCLUDE: Methods, subjects etc. Failure to follow this part of the instructions will result in points lost. 
Papers should be 3-5 pages (long enough to cover the topic fully). You must include 5-7 references from scholarly articles (Think “Google Scholar”) If you find something on a blog (For example Psychology Today) go to the original source article and read and reference that information. Sources from Blogs, Online magazines (Psychology Today) Etc.  WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 
In order to find appropriate articles to cite in your paper you need to be able to log into Psychological Research Data bases.


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