This essay should be a fairly polished and focused piece of writing that support


This essay should be a fairly polished and focused piece of writing that support

This essay should be a fairly polished and focused piece of writing that supports its claims and reflections with specific evidence (i.e. cite yourself). It will run 1-2 pages in length. All reflective essays should take into account the following:
The significance of your title (and picture and quote, if included).
What you now understand about effective writing and how it is achieved and what the portfolio reveals about your writing and your abilities to think on paper. (Refer to your included essays and selected artifacts).
What you now understand about writing and critical inquiry that this portfolio might not reveal. (You may understand more than your portfolio reveals).
What the portfolio reveals about you as a writer and critical thinker at this point in your educational journey (Refer to your included essays and selected artifacts).
What challenges do you continue to face as a writer and critical thinker? (What is hard for you? In what areas have you gotten stronger and more confident? What immediate goals have you set for yourself as you continue to develop as a writer and critical thinker?)
(Optional) Discuss, document, and evaluate the extent to which you were actively engaged in this class (i.e. determine how much time/effort you put into this course and whether your writing reflects that same time/effort).


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