The research paper is almost completed. It’s only missing table on contents, abs


The research paper is almost completed. It’s only missing table on contents, abs

The research paper is almost completed. It’s only missing table on contents, abstract, and 
methodology sectio. Therefore, I just need a bit of editing with feedback I will attached and 
will also need the other sections that are missing. 
I have also attached an example of how it’s supposed to look like. As well as the instructions. 
This is the feedback for the paper thats alredy written which I will attached. 
“Your RQs look good to me.
Your H! essentially poses the same questions you asked in RQ 1 and 2, so you
can remove it.
Try a different and more
substantive title. You could have discussed some more background information
and key literature in your Introduction. Because Tik Tok is new, you could have
discussed different types of advertisements within this platform. Because you
have focused on Tik Tok algorithms, you could have explained how it is
different from other social media platforms. You have repeated yourself—see
whether you can reduce that. Add more literature. Before discussing the Uses
and Gratifications theory, show relevance and provide context. You need to
explain the theory more. I did not see the relevance of this theory to your
research. Later, when you put your research questions, you referenced users’
motivation. You could have provided additional context and relevance by
providing more details of the uses and gratifications theory. Some of your
paragraphs are too short—see how you combine thematically similar paragraphs.
Delete the extra spaces in between paragraphs.” 


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