The goal for this project is to look at how two different kinds of texts (not th


The goal for this project is to look at how two different kinds of texts (not th

The goal for this project is to look at how two different kinds of texts (not the same genre, two different genres), probably from different times and places, talk about the same subject. 
I’d start with deciding on one text I know I want to use (maybe something that you’ve already read for class), and then go looking through the other genres we’ve done to see if something else there contains a similar idea or theme in the content. Did you have a favorite or most interesting non-epic (remember, no epic allowed for this assignment)? Start with that and choose a key concept, theme, or idea that you think kind of makes or breaks, or otherwise really affects how you liked and understood that text. Then consider if there’s something else we’ve read that talked about the same thing that’s of a different genre. 
For example, say you really enjoyed Don Quixote , which means then you should think about locating something that’s not long fiction that contains either chivalry, love, travel, friendship, satire, etc….; let’s say Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales(not assigned, but there is an excerpt from this in the textbook; Marie de France might similarly work and that was assigned), and then going on to look at how the idea of knightly leadership are handled in both. Your thesis then becomes something about how either the genres of the story collection and long fiction work to present their subjects, OR how you might learn something about the subject by looking at the two different genres. 
For the two texts, use the Don Quixote and the Marie de France works that are attached.
Please take your time with this assignment and follow all guidlines/grading criteria. Good work will deserve a large tip. 


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