THE CONFLICT The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. K


The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. K

The current conflict involves two individuals, Kimberly and Jade. Kimberly is a nurse and Jade is a nurse manager. The conflict is based on individual matters and involves the problem of role assignment within the professional medical setting. The conflict originated two weeks ago and developed at a fast pace. Therefore, I believe that several crucial steps should be taken to mitigate the effects of this conflict and adverse outcomes characteristic of the role conflict. This paper dwells on the details of the conflict between Kimberly and Jade and describes the stages of the conflict. I review several conflict resolution strategies that can be used in this situation and pick the best one based on the available evidence. In the end, I reach the verdict concerning the overall complexity and impact of the conflict in the nursing environment.
Details of the Conflict
The background of the conflict involves several situations where Kimberly allegedly took on the role of the nurse manager without Jade knowing it. Overall, the relations between the two were not perfect, and Kimberly’s behavior and choice of words had a substantial impact on the situation. Jade did not know that Kimberly played the role of the nurse manager at the facility in her absence and did not expect that anyone would behave so unprofessionally. Kimberly made some questionable decisions and talked to other employees at the hospital rudely. She said inappropriate things to her colleagues and even several patients. It is also important to mention Jade’s attitude as she decided to resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner even though she was very unpleased with how things were going.
Stages of the Conflict
If we divide the conflict into stages, there will be six key stages that Kimberly and Jade’s conflict will go through. First, it is the transition from the latent conflict to the conflict emergence (which has already happened). Second, the nurse and the nurse manager went through the escalation of the conflict due to the misunderstanding between the two and Kimberly’s inappropriate behavior. The third stage is called the stalemate. Jade was hurt by Kimberly’s individual and professional decisions which resulted in the climax of the conflict. The fourth stage of the conflict is the period of negotiation. Despite everything, Jade chose to resolve the issue and go on. The two last stages are dispute settlement and peacebuilding which happens after the conflict is over. I believe that the current conflict between the nurse and the nurse manager will end peacefully, but most probably a disciplinary action will be taken against Kimberly.
Conflict Resolution Strategies
What strategies are possible for this conflict? Look at each one and list the pros and cons of each. Prepare a PowerPoint or other type of presentation that describes these and finally a conclusion
How do you suggest handling this conflict? Is there a strategy that would work best? Is there a combination? Is there a strategy that you would not recommend?
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