The answer should discuss with reference to the Varieties of Capitalism framewor


The answer should discuss with reference to the Varieties of Capitalism framewor

The answer should discuss with reference to the Varieties of Capitalism framework
and at least two Asian economies. The two asian economies will be Singapore and India. I will attach the lecture notes for both these economies, and be sure to be relevant to them. Both the lecture notes have a heading of Inter firm relations with examples. Try to discuss the examples mentioned in the slides. They clearly mention inter firm relations for both the economies. The lecture notes pdf will also have an overview to compare both the chosen economies (Singapore and India). You must refer to that. You must show engagement with theory, including an awareness of the work of key scholars in this field, and must provide a well-argued analysis drawing on specific examples.
Your work must be correctly cited, using Harvard style of referencing.
A list of references – correctly formulated – must be submitted as your final page.
The references list is not included in the word count of your essay.
A margin of 10% above or below the 2000-word total is permitted.
VERY IMP- The lecture notes pdf attached has 70 pages because it also includes material from semester 1 which won′t be assessed any more. So scroll straight to page 36, as semester 2 begins from there and everything about both the economies (India and Singapore) is noted. It also includes an overview on how to compare them and the entire structure on how to write the essay. It dissects how to frame every section so please don′t write from a generic view and refer to the structure and notes properly. The file name is ′′Asian Management Lecture Notes.′′
Remember the essay should discuss the answers with reference to varieties of capitalism framework, chapters from it has been attached. The recommended readings fro both the countries have been attached, use them well. Then, look for outside sources. Pls note – Answer with reference to VOC framework.


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