Source Essay ​In this essay you are asked to write an essay drawing extensively


Source Essay
​In this essay you are asked to write an essay drawing extensively

Source Essay
​In this essay you are asked to write an essay drawing extensively on outside sources. The subject could be any issue relating to social media–some current controversy, an issue related to the history of social media, a consideration of the role of social media in society more generally, etc. . The purpose of your essay could be either informative or persuasive. If informative, the essay should have a clear and specific focus, and the reader should be able to identify its goal. If persuasive, the essay should make an argument, drawing on the basic principles of argument we considered in writing Essay 3. An informative essay of this kind should be reporting or explaining, while a persuasive essay should be taking a position or expressing a point of view.
​The essay should incorporate 6-8 outside sources (you could use more if you need to), fully and correctly cited and documented. Correct citation and documentation will be a central part of this essay. The sources should be used to provide information or support. The choice and use of sources should indicate to the reader that you have looked into this subject seriously and chosen relevant and representative sources. The essay should be approximately 2500-3000 words.


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