So the countries in zone 7 and 8 are north dakota, alaska, michigan and mane sub


So the countries in zone 7 and 8 are north dakota, alaska, michigan and mane

So the countries in zone 7 and 8 are north dakota, alaska, michigan and mane
sub topics to cover in the paper;
– Construction and waste materials expected to be diverted
-Building elements expected to be deconstructed.
-Waste materials source separated or comingled?
-Designate destination facilities for waste materials at the job site
-Average diversion rate for facilities that process comingled const. and demolition materials.
-Method for tracking
-Reporting mechanism for disposition
i got my information through chatgpt and a resource if you can rewrite everything with credible sourcing and along the same answers with proper referencing that would be great.
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Discipline: sustainable paper


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