S.W.O.T is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Th


S.W.O.T is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Th

S.W.O.T is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, and Threats. Conducting a SWOT analysis of yourself or a business is a lot more fun and doing it forces you to think about your business in a whole new way.
In this assignment, you are required to perform a SWOT analysis of a company of your choice. This would be a local, national, online, or global company. It is easier if you select a company that you work for or you are doing business with. For example: Bank Of America, Kaiser, Safeway, Apple, Samsung, Southwest, etc
Briefly introduce the company
Strengths: List and explain at least 3 Strengths of the company
Weakness: List and explain at least 3 Weaknesses of the company
Opportunity: List and explain at least 3 Opportunities for the company
Threats: list and explain at least 3 Threats of the company.
Go to the company website and look for any open position for Business Major students. Show the link to the website, or post the picture of the job listing page. 
Sample from Former Student:
Flemings SWOT analysis
Briefly introduce the company
Flemings is a steakhouse restaurant that offers a wide variety of wines. It is a fine dining experience that ties to offer top notch hospitality. They have full bar as well and make all the food in house with nothing being premade. I have worked at one in Arizona for the last couple months letting me see the way the business operates.
Strengths: List and explain at least 3 Strengths of the company
i.Food- Everything that is made in the restaurant is made from scratch and fresh. This gives the food very good flavor and is something not every restaurant does.
ii. Events- They offer rooms for private events. This allows for company to rent out rooms for private events. This also allows for the regular restaurant to run and increase profits without having to close down to the public.
iii. Hospitality- Everyone that comes in the restaurant is treated with the upmost respect. They are given seamless service and want them to have the best experience they can. This top-notch service I a big key to the success of the company.
Weakness: List and explain at least 3 Weaknesses of the company
i.Shortage- Since the food is so fresh we do not like to have a lot because we will have to throw it out because we do not serve food that is more than a couple days old even if it is still not expired. This can cause there to be a shortage in product if too many costumers order the same item in a couple of days. When we cannot give a customer what they want it is bad for business.
ii. High prices- We have very high prices and that excludes many people who can’t afford it. This can lead to days without a lot of business throughout the year.
iii. Inventory Tracking- We struggle with a system that can track the inventory consumed in the restaurant. This cause the business to have to spend a lot of money on hiring employees to constantly check the inventory of the restaurant to order what is needed.
Opportunity: List and explain at least 3 Opportunities for the company
i.Gluten free- There is a lot of people who request gluten free items now. We have a gluten free menu but it is very limited. I believe if we expanded that menu it would allow for those customers to spread the word and bring in more business.
ii. Outside cooling- The bar has a patio area but since we are in Arizona the heat stops people from wanted to be outside most of the year. If cooling items we placed outside just as mister or canopies a believe this will bring more business to the bar during the hotter seasons.
iii. Advertisement- I have not seen a single advertisement for the restaurant. I think that Flemings is overlooked by many because they do not know anything about it. A few advertisements here or there would make a huge difference.
Threats: list and explain at least 3 Threats of the company.
i.Competition- There are a couple other fine dining restaurants within a couple miles. This means we need to be giving out excellent service all the time because they have other places they could go.
ii. Weather- The heat usually causes the people who eat at our restaurant to go away doing the hot seasons. Depending on how long the heat stay it will continue to drive away business a decrease profits.
iii. Market prices- Market prices may rise causing an increase of our already high prices. This has recently happened with our crab legs which have had a decrease in demand since the increase in price.
Go to the company website and look for any open position for Business Major students. Show the link to the website, or post the picture of the job listing page
There were many opportunities for Flemings. Marketing and accounting were the two that interest me the most.


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