respond to the readings as you see fit- in other words, in whichever way is the


respond to the readings as you see fit- in other words, in whichever way is the

respond to the readings as you see fit- in other words, in whichever way is the most generative to promote ruminating on the subject of time, especially in relation to art and your creative process.
Read: (read tthe readings carefully, i upload them below)
an excerpt from “The Order of Time” Carlo Rovelli “The Race of the Patient Motorcyclists” and “20 Sculptures One Hour” by Lydia Davis (super short – each one page!)
you need to do:
Respond to each readings. For each reading Sum up 2-3 main ideas of the work (3-6 sentences) and answer questions specific to the reading. In your response respectfully consider the artist/writer’s intent, i.e. don’t just react. Engage.
for each reading, write one paragraph, explain what was interesting about the work.
for each reading, What question do you take away from the work?
Do not use chatgpt or any AI! Use your own words!!
Do not use ChatGPT and copy and paste from an online summary. Please write in an informal way and looks like you give some insight from the reading. Please write this assignment in simple sentences format and easy to follow because I believe my other classmate will write like this and I do not want read like someone that not in the course help me to write the assignment. Thanks


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