Requirements are outlined in the pdf, please read it fully and carefully. You mu


Requirements are outlined in the pdf, please read it fully and carefully. You mu

Requirements are outlined in the pdf, please read it fully and carefully. You must include title page with our debate question and our thesis. Must write a 2300-2500 word research paper proving our thesis. Must also include a annotated bibliography, with just a 3-4 sentences for each source you use, all requirements are in the pdf. 
Our question is: Has the portrayal of women in Indian cinema since the 1950s contributed to progressive changes in gender roles within Indian society?
Our thesis is: Despite the traditional portrayal of gender roles in early Indian cinema, the progressive evolution of female characters since the 1950s has significantly influenced societal perceptions and contributed to a gradual, yet meaningul changes in gender roles within Indian society.
You must write clear, understandable, use simple language, transition words. Read all the instructions carefully, ask me any questions. 


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