Purpose:  You’re almost finished! You’ve done a substantial amount of thinking a


Purpose:  You’re almost finished! You’ve done a substantial amount of thinking a

Purpose:  You’re almost finished! You’ve done a substantial amount of thinking and writing. For your final essay, you will write a 3– to 4–page reflection focused on your own metacognitive processes, your growth, and the realizations you’ve had about yourself over our semester together. While our first essay, the Writing Analysis, focused on your writing, this essay focuses on how your choices as a maturing adult, student, and writer.
Outcomes Addressed:
Write well organized, clearly written argumentative essays that are supported by strong evidence and clear explanation, and which employ rhetoric appropriate to the broader academic audience.
Read texts critically, noting how a text’s style, structure, and context contribute to its meanings and implications.
Judiciously format work according to Modern Language Association (MLA) and/or American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines appropriate for chosen audience(s).
Review the material you’ve created this semester to your in-class writings and the essays you’ve written.
Use the above “sources” to formulate an essay expressing your growth and development as a student and writer over the course of the semester.
Keeping in mind all the writing you did this semester—in this class, in other classes, and in your personal life—write a 3– to 4–page essay that addresses some or all of the following questions and tasks:
What do you understand well about writing? Where do you still struggle?
How have personal interactions, feedback (from peers and your instructor), and revision played a role in your writing processes? What did you learn from others that has contributed to your practice of rewriting?
Describe how you overcame obstacles or adversity to succeed as a student this semester. Where in your writing do you see this struggle?
Describe the rhetorical tools you have deployed to entice and convince your readers. What rhetorical methods do you attempt to use but still find confusing or difficult? How do the tools you choose appeal to a particular audience?
Use specific evidence from your writing to support your claims, and explain how that
evidence does what you say it does.
you can use the essay below as “evidence”


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