Purpose: Social media platforms( instagram,tiktok, facebook, YouTube ) have been


Purpose: Social media platforms( instagram,tiktok, facebook, YouTube ) have been

Purpose: Social media platforms( instagram,tiktok, facebook, YouTube ) have been seen over the years for causing many of the mental problems young children and teens have suffered with over the years. What if there is a link between juvenile delinquency and the platforms?teenagers use these platforms as a way to garner attention from their peers, but over the years, these platform have become a hierarchy problem, with people the flashiest, and most dangerous garnering the most attention. As kids try to replicate this same come up(minority groups) they have had to likely due deviant things to gain these new heights of “fame”. It has been said that video games like call of duty, gta, and other violent games have been responsible for the desensitizing of children to the harsh realities of their crime. – Interconnection between the three( mass media, games , and drill music) Is social media a cause or mechanism? Is video games a cause or mechanism? Is Drill music a cause or mechanism? I don’t need a super heavy background on the topics , just a moderate one. But their relations and how they have impacted juvenile delinquents is needed. In 1-3 paragraph towards the conclusion can you also look at solutions ,recommendations or solutions that can be implemented to help the youth


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