Over the course of the semester, we have explored the many different faces of We


Over the course of the semester, we have explored the many different faces of We

Over the course of the semester, we have explored the many different faces of Western        Civilization in the modern era. While the course was organized into three different modules    focused on three distinct phases of this era (the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth           centuries), the influence and legacies of many of the events, ideas, and movements              explored early on in the course were apparent in implicit and explicit ways later on in the       semester. Indeed, it is safe to say that it is impossible to understand twentieth-century        Western history without      appreciating the origins of this history in the philosophy,                  revolutions, colonialism, imperialism, and other developments in the West before 1900.
How did the events, ideas, and/or movements of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries      influence the events, ideas, and/or movements of the twentieth century? In an essay of 3-5 pages, give your own evidence-based answer to this question. To do so, choose three            events, ideas, and/or movements from the twentieth century and explain how they were        influenced by happenings in the two preceding centuries. Be sure to use at least three            non-textbook readings from the course in your essay (for example, Oroonoko, Resisters, Discourse on Colonialism, etc.). You may also cite my lectures and the textbook. Do not use sources from outside the class without seeking approval of the sources from me first. Doing so will result in a reduction of the grade for the essay.
All essays should:
Be at least 3 but no more than 5 pages;
Be typed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins;
Be written in Times/Times New Roman, 12-point font;
Include a title and your name on the first page.


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