Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric Overview This short paper is a buil


Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric
This short paper is a buil

Module Two Short Paper Guidelines and Rubric
This short paper is a building block
for the remainder of this course. You will outline the basic foundations of
federalism as described in the Constitution. The principles of federalism are
essential to understanding the positions of major public-administration
theorists, and are still relevant to how the national government and state
governments operate today.
As you write this short paper, please
note that the word federalism itself is not used in the U.S.
Constitution. The word, however, describes the separation and enumeration of
national and state powers found in the Constitution. The word is tied to the
Federalist party, which advocated for each state to enter into the union
through the adoption of the U.S. Constitution.
How does the Preamble of the
Constitution describe the goal and purpose of the Constitution as it relates to
federalism? What is federalism as enacted in our Constitution? What powers are
implied in the Constitution, and how do opinions differ?
Specifically, address the
following critical elements in your short paper:
·   Introduce your paper by explaining the purpose of
federalism. Cite specific passages from the Preamble to the U.S.
Constitution to illustrate.
·   Then describe federalism as it is enacted
by the U.S. Constitution. In your response, be sure to include and define the
different types of powers (delegated, concurrent, reserved) and their
·   To conclude your paper, analyze the implications of
the powers that are implied in the U.S. Constitution. What are
the different perspectives and interpretations of implied powers? Why are they
significant to public-administration theory or practice?
What to Submit
Your paper must be submitted as a 1-
to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman
font, one-inch margins, and at least two sources cited in APA format.
Module Two Short Paper Rubric
Proficient (100%)
Needs Improvement (75%)
Not Evident (0%)
Purpose of Federalism
Explains the
purpose of federalism using specific passages from the Preamble
“Proficient” criteria, but there are gaps in clarity, logic, or detail
Does not address
critical element, or response is irrelevant
Description of Federalism
federalism as enacted by the U.S. Constitution, including definitions of the
types of powers and their significances
“Proficient” criteria, but there are gaps in clarity, logic, or detail
Does not address
critical element, or response is irrelevant
Implied Powers
Analyzes the
implications, perspectives, and interpretations of implied powers, including
their significance for public-administration theory or practice
“Proficient” criteria, but there are gaps in clarity, logic, or detail
Does not address
critical element, or response is irrelevant
Articulation of Response
Submission has no
major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or organization
Submission has
some errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or organization that
negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has
critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, or organization that
prevent understanding of ideas


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