Like the link above, often times Hollywood more than exaggerates the law and/or


Like the link above, often times Hollywood more than exaggerates the law and/or

Like the link above, often times Hollywood more than exaggerates the law and/or law-related activities. However, there is still value when doing an ethical review.
Pick any law-based movie(s) and find 4 instances of ethical rules (they can be violations or compliance). Watch the movie(s) of your choice. Find any (4) ethical issues which we went over in this course. The issues you examine can all be in the same movie or different movies. Identify the issue, tell me what the relevant rule is, then provide analysis of it (use cases when you are able), identify whether there was compliance or a violation and then provide the legal conclusion. If there was a violation, indicate what the lawyer could or should have done to comply with the rule. Your answer to the Assignment should include the following and substantially in an IRAC form (issue, rule, analysis, conclusion). Identify the movie, identify where in the movie the ethical rule is demonstrated and provide some facts surrounding it in the movie. What rules were violated? What rules were followed? Be specific. Do not simply tell me, the lawyer lied. Do tell me that the lawyer violated rule 1.6 when he disclosed confidential information to his girlfriend, etc. You will be graded on your ability to identify ethical rules, analyze them in accordance with the relevant Model Rules, case law examined in this course including in the discussion board and/or textbook, and the conclusion ie whether the lawyer complied or violated said rule. You may include any relevant state law on the issue. You may also compare the movie scenarios if they deal with the same rule or issue. I will critique your writing for completeness and creativity. Again 4 different scenarios, each worth 25 points for a total of 100 points.


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