In chapter one, Marilyn Frye argues, “The experience of oppressed people is that


In chapter one, Marilyn Frye argues, “The experience of oppressed people is that

In chapter one, Marilyn Frye argues, “The experience of oppressed people is that the living of one’s life is confined
and shaped by forces and barriers which are not accidental or occasional and hence avoidable but are systematically related to each other in such a way as to catch one between and among them and restrict or penalize motion in any direction. It is the experience of being caged in: all avenues, in every direction, are blocked or booby-trapped (15).
In the song, the woman has endured years of abuse at the hands of her husband.  She experiences intentional control tactics through yelling, cursing, and beatings. As Frye argues, the woman perceives herself as “trapped,” and commits murder/suicide to protect her daughter from experiencing the same. 
The above reference is an example of what I want you to do for 10 chapters.  That means you should have a first slide that has the title of your presentation, your name, the course number, and the date.   Then you should have a slide for each of the ten chapters.  Each slide should have a term that strongly represents the chapter and a connection to the lyrics in any song you choose to demonstrate that the artist is addressing the concept or term you have identified.   Finally, you should have a conclusion slide that talks about your experience connecting the music lyrics and/or videos to the concepts in the textbook.  Lastly, you should have a bibliographic page with all of the references you make from the textbook to support the ideas connected to the songs. I will post an example of a PowerPoint.  Please go to Pages, then click on View all Pages, and find PowerPoint Examples.  
Analyzing video content for feminist/womanist-themed assertions.  Utilizing Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation. Importing audio/ video content. Citing illustrations, video, and music.  Tying music assertions to scholarly articles.  You must cite at least one essay per concept
Find one song for each of the concepts you want to demonstrate.  You can choose to use one Artist and different songs by the artist.  Or you could choose a different song by a different artist for every concept.  You will use the lyrics to represent the concept you have chosen, and you can demonstrate how the lyrics represent the concept by connecting it to the essay you choose.  Begin writing.  Arrange the concept and the chapter it is associated with on your PowerPoint pages. Focus on term definitions and the lyrics that best express that concept in your text.  Through content analysis, you will be required to identify one or more artists in the music genre of your choice.  You will analyze the themes and messages conveyed regarding lived experiences, inequality, empowerment, discrimination, etc…  Students will investigate the lyrics for content relevant to the terms, theories, and other course-related information.  The issues we discuss throughout the semester will become very important for your final presentation.  The integration of ideas from the required readings and ideas from the artist’s lyrics will allow you to show how academic questions are often articulated in popular culture.   


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