Important; I only need 700-800 words not 1100 as this can only last about 5 MINU


Important; I only need 700-800 words not 1100 as this can only last about 5 MINU

Important; I only need 700-800 words not 1100 as this can only last about 5 MINUITES when spoken aloud. I had put 4 slides in the order cause I want at least 4 but NOT 1100 words as I couldnt adjust word count, thank you. Also if you could use powerpoint it would be prefferred.
Select ONE company from a country that you are culturally unrelated to (In this case outside of the U.S.A.). Imagine that you
are providing consultation to that company as an international business expert, and
recommend a new market for the company. Make sure to select a market that the company is
not currently involved in. Your presentation should briefly discuss about the company
(background, business operations, international components), and use research and
concepts/theory (1 or more) covered in class to justify your ideas, with also inccluding images or graphics.  Some therioes or concepts covered in class are but not limited to risk management, comparative/competitive advantage, FDI or non FDI business, individualism vs collectivism, and extraterriterorality in business. (note you only need to incorporate one of those in the slides along with your main idea, I just gave some examples) 


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