Here are the instructions provided from the instructor for my retailer case repo


Here are the instructions provided from the instructor for my retailer case repo

Here are the instructions provided from the instructor for my retailer case report:
4. Retailer Case Report 
Select a
retailer and write a case about the retailer. You will need to research to collect
information. I have posted some examples of retailer cases (e.g., H-E-B; Home
Depot) on Blackboard. You can choose any topic of interest to you. The retailer
case does not have to be a success case; it can be a case about the challenges
(such as changing consumer behavior or disrupted supply chain) the retailer
faces. You are welcome to discuss the retailer case with the instructor. There are
no restrictions on the maximum length, but I would recommend at least six
pages (double-spaced, font size 12). 
Your retailer report needs to be original. SafeAssign/Turnitin will check the
originality in Blackboard. Please check the originality report after you submit
your paper. The overall match typically should be lower than 25%.
The final report (in PDF file) is due in Week 8 on Blackboard (see Course
Calendar for the last day). Late submission is not allowed. After your
submission, please self-check to ensure you have submitted the correct
Adequate writing skills are essential to business writing. 
Below are some tips: 
1. Follow the guidelines and organize your paper using headings, sub-
headings, charts, diagrams, etc. But don’t overdo it.
2. Start your paper with the main points. Don’t make readers search for
important information; make it obvious.
3. Develop the logic and support your arguments with evidence.
4. Make sure your papers are concise yet include all relevant information. Be
sure every sentence is essential and to the point. Don’t copy meaningless
information from online sources.
5. Avoid grammar errors and typos.
6. Use formal language.
7. Avoid plagiarism (use SafeAssign/Turnitin to check originality).
8. Include citations in the main text and a bibliography or reference list at the
end. See a librarian for citation and reference help.
9. Revise! Revise! Revise!
10. Proofread before you submit; double-check after you submit.
I attached examples the professor has provided. Please make the paper originial as it will be checked for plagarisim. 


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