Full order description: Dear Freelancer,please create a presentation, 6 slides w


Full order description: Dear Freelancer,please create a presentation, 6 slides w

Full order description: Dear Freelancer,please create a presentation, 6 slides with 100 speaker notes for each slide. You can use any company common diety or good as long as it fits the requirements.
FRED is a good site for it but all the graphs must be original and correct
? MAIN DETAILS:Textbook: https://openstax.org/books/principles-microeconomics-3e/pages/1-introduction
The TL;DR of the assignment is: use data relevant to the second half of the term and give a presentation showing that you understand how it fits together with the course material. This assignment is inherently open-ended but there are some requirements- Please read through the following background and guidelines to get an idea about what is expected, Collecting/generating data Relevant examples you’ve collected/generated so far • Cost functions and cost curves—be very careful to create the correct cost structure If you choose this • Perfect competition and monopoly/oligopoly as above be careful to create examples that follow normal behavior; you should be discussing profit• Monopolistic competition—choose a couple of companies and use a diagram to explain their market• Externauties: use the “crowdsourced€ data from our shared GSheet or collect your own data to tell a compelling story• Insurance: use our •crowdsourced” data (or gather your own) to tell a story about risk. insurance. or a related topic from Chapter 16Unlike the problem sets, you don’t need to be concerned about what other students are choosing. Showing you understand how the numbers fit with the material
? ATTACHED:-instructions-


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